Tuesday 1 February 2011


The grand consciousness of life is so multi dimensional and conflicting that it is almost impossible to see anything but beauty with in it. We must accept that opposites and alternatives must exist before we can truly become aware of an experience. Would joy really be appreciated and experienced if there was no other emotion. Without pain and suffering we could never come to experience just how much more rewarding peace and happiness is. Simply existing in a single state will do nothing for the evolution and development of a soul. So the facility for people to do evil must exist so that there can the capacity for people to do good. The issue is that we, as a collective of souls, have not learned to make our choice. When the same bad things keep occurring we direct our frustration at our god or deity. Instead we should see that we have not learned to separate our selves from what we think we need and that which we actually do. Fear about such concerns as finance, acceptance, ridicule, failure or ability over power the truth of what and who we are.
We must experience both good and bad in order to understand which is best. We have all long since learnt that good offers a better existence, fear is the force that prevents us letting go of bad. There are two major forces in the world where the origins of our thoughts and actions spring from, Love and Fear. How much longer, for instance, must we send souls to their deaths in war before we accept that we would all prefer the experience of peace? We have all made our choice but the fear of letting go makes us feel vulnerable. So it is not a case of using love to trust one another but listening to fear and holding on to our weapons until the other puts it down first. Thus this cycle will never end. A utopian society is possible but humanity is not prepared to understand that we are the creators and destroyers of our own existence.
This desire to not be at fault or to bare the responsibility gave birth to constructed religion. With the idea of a lord in the sky we had someone to deflect our blame and anguish towards. The only god is the one we all stare at in the mirror each morning. We are all part of a mass consciousness that constructs and shapes this reality. Everything upon this Earth is built by humanity so we are the architects of our environment and existence. Quantum mechanics has shown that sub-particles magically separate at every event and seem to head off and create every potential situation that is possible. What further proof do we need that life is a force of discovery and experience? Why must we be so concerned in why and how we are alive instead of actually embracing the fact that we are.
The creational forces of Love and Fear are like the particles that cause us to separate at an opportunity. We should always seek to choose the option that is our highest truth. Often though we start breaking down the possibility of our choice and losing the deepest truth. Thus so many souls have lost their connections and feel they are walking circles in a repetitive and unfulfilling life. Love was once a beautiful wild creature that blessed all at its free will and choosing. The strength and power of this creature was enchanting and dangerous. It could ease the pain of the suffering and bring joy to desperation. Though it could also bring suffering to the joyful and desperation to the satisfied. Maybe as the human race grew and interactions became more frequent we discovered the experience of fear. Today we seem to think of love as a rare and priceless artefact and grow jealous of anyone holding it. Love has became a slave and mostly now just a word. Fear though has become all conquering in every aspect of our life. So many people remain in jobs they hate due to fear of not paying bills if they leave. Fear that they are not worthy or good enough for the job they would like. Couples stay together through fear of being alone. Governments rage wars through fear of being wrong or fear of being vulnerable of bigger or potentially bigger countries.

There are so many aspects to love such as to like, respect, friendship, appreciation, devotion, admiration and belonging. Love has other tools inside its box such as, happiness, contentment, acceptance, appreciation, understanding and sharing. I came up with this story to try and explain a little clearer the full dimensions of love and how we have forgotten the true depth and possibilities of love.
A young man and his blind father are lying in their back yard looking up at the sky.
"What is love?" the young man asks his father.
"What do you see above you?" asks the father.
"I see sky" replies the young man.
" A word you have given me to describe the many colours of the above. A word you have given me to describe the many shapes, sizes, colours and positioning of the clouds. A word you have given me to describe the further depths of the beauty of the stars that lye behind. A word you give me to describe the planet systems that stretch across the un-measurable distance. This word you give me is sky. I am blind and I can not see this word ‘Sky’ though I know it has no right to describe the magic beyond what you let you eye see and your soul feel. Love, my son, is just another word they gave to the blind."

Love of higher levels can not be constructed upon humanities request. Love is a powerful force that has an existence of its own. It should not be forced in a situation as being false is fear derived. There are members in my family that I simple respect I do not ‘Love’ them as I do others. My respect for them means I will do my best to help them should they need me. However I will not devote my self to interaction on a frequent basis unless there is genuine emotional calling. If I was to meet my step dad as a stranger in a bar would we become friends, I highly doubt it. There is no reason to be involved in a persons life just because you are related there must be reason and feeling. Blood is not the reason I love and I chose not to love simply due to the sharing of blood. The same as I would not form a relationship based on a fear of being alone. The emotion we label love is a guide to the depth, length and reason of a journey shared. We have come to a point in our existence were we think of love as a thing to hold and own. Love is a force of nature, it can last a day or a lifetime. The experience gained is how we should measure not the length of time it lasted.
Love is also not just a force for coupling romantically it has far greater potential. The emotion of love can indicate with another soul that a desire for an experience is shared and thus herald the potential opportunity for a shared journey. The truth of all that we use the word 'love' to describe is that love is always the connection between all worldly interactions. Sometimes this feeling is deeper and this allows the soul to know that your designs of life are parallel with another soul and that with this soul you have the opportunity to experience. For some receiving the love of another eases their pain and they actively seek it. We have come to call this Attention Seeking. Fear provides denial as one if its aspects and is used to convince the soul that your suffering is at and end. This style of love is a dressing upon a wound that shall continue to rot. Also in this false love fear is manifest and used to stop this love from departing and so a soul is sacrificed to the expected needs of the other. Thus the souls are changed and in doing so the two souls begin to become untrue to their connection. Thus the connection fades. Yet we still struggle to hold on to this love, as we fear loss of all kinds. So quickly what was once special and sacred becomes a battleground of arguments, obligations and demands. This is not a true connection as love is not a deed of ownership.

A true love would require nothing but the witnessing and honest sharing of another soul’s journey. It would not be subject to conditions. A soul that is loved should remain free to experience life in every aspect that is true to its calling. Sometimes two souls in this connection are separated by their designs of life and freedom should be granted. Distance is irrelevant in this style of connection. This honest love can only be achieved when a soul has grown to love it self and then any other love received would just be a blessing and not a necessity. All that we use the word love to describe is not rationed and is as abundant as the particles of air we breathe. When we come to accept the experience that love is not made to our designs we shall accept it in the natural form in which is exists. In the same way we need to also accept that love and the soul we love owes us nothing and we should expect nothing of it. It is conceived that love is when two become one. In fact it is when one becomes two. A romantic journey should be two individuals experiencing life through each other. When this journey calls for separation it should be met we acceptance and joy for the sharing, growth, education, knowledge and experience gained.

The great consciousness of life hears all thoughts and much like a dating agency bring souls together that can make manifest the thoughts shared, thus bringing the experience requested (both fear based and love based). This means we must also accept equal responsibility for all worldly events. For if those thoughts were not thought some events would not have to occur. It is the lack of evolution and acceptance of experience that makes manifest so many events we know as a humanity we would rather not have occur. We must learn that every thought is like throwing a stone into the sea. The power of positive thinking has been proven so many times. When we carry negative thoughts around with us so constantly that it becomes our reality we build our lives in that image. This is a very controversial point and it would take many more writings to fully explain. Some events such as rape and murder are difficult to explain. I highly doubt there are souls out there thinking about being murdered or raped. There are though souls thinking of vulnerability and worthlessness which is the calling card of the souls with desires of control and power. Fear has been controlling in our lives for a very long time and many manifestations have occurred that should not. Suppressed and victimised souls are abundant under the stresses, strains and restrictions of our youth. The rise of aggressive music is surely an indicator and we have allowed magazines to glorify perfection and Hollywood to glorify violence. There are a lot of souls that have become flooded with fear that not even a spark of love can be felt.
The understanding offered by an experience is not always clear. Much relating must be done and individual souls will find different answers. Sometimes we just have to hold faith that we will come to find meaning soon. All we have to guide us is the emotion in side of us and our immediate and pure thought in the face of reaction. You must be fully aware at all times to life and your interaction with it. There are signs everywhere and opportunities are endless. Nothing but fear holds us back from being the totality of our own designs and truest desires.

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